My gorgeous, glamorous friend with a beautiful soul xxx

Created by Adele one year ago

Caroline, where do I start. So many fun memories. 

I met Caroline when she was pregnant with her beautiful daughter Betsie. You couldn't have been prouder of your little family. As others have said, when you talked about your family your face lit up.

I loved coming into work and having our catch up, we are both chatter boxes and loved to talk, probably too much some would say (not us of course, we knew it was good to talk ) :)

I have just been watching our video of us dancing on a night out, dancing away, laughing so much. Then you sneakily went unto the bar and ordered us all tequila's, the bar man had put the salt in a shot glass, you picked it up and I remember the bar man running over to say no, that's the salt, don't drink that! We must have been a bit merry if he thought we needed telling not to drink salt! :)

We had so many laughs, we would sit in your car after you being my taxi and dropping me home, for absolutely ages chatting, putting the worlds to right. You always gave the best advice.

Chatting to a friend recently, who is way better with words than me said what a beautiful soul, saw the world through the eyes of a fierce warrior whilst being a gorgeous and warm welcoming friend and she was so right!

I miss you, my beautiful friend, I will miss our tea outs, our spa days, afternoon tea's, our "chats" but mostly I will just miss you, I will cherish all my memories with you xxxx


Adele xxx
